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The easiest course for teaching young children to play the piano!
Your Child will Learn:
To play all 12 major scales
The basics of all correct fingering
The names of the white keys
How to play hands together
The beginning or rhythm
To play the 10 enclosed songs . . .PLUS
. . .any song he/she can sing!
To transpose any song he/she can play
Repect for a musical instrument, and. . .
To ENJOY music!
Young toddlers can be taught to play songs on any keyboard. . .piano, organ or electronic.
Parents do NOT need to know how to read music.
Course booklet features 10 goal oriented written lessons including:
- step-by-step lesson plans
- teaching methods
- cautions and advice for improving attention span and finger dexterity.
Children progress at their own pace.
There is no enforced practice time - no specific lesson time.